
The Governing Body is made up of 12 Governors. The Governors are elected or appointed by various bodies and groups. These include a Local Authority representative, two Parent Governors, One Staff Representative, Five Foundation PCC Representatives, one Foundation Diocesan Representative, one Foundation ex-officio (currently vacant) and the Headteacher.

Full Governors meetings are held four times within the academic year in addition to committee meetings. The Governors are a voluntary group who hold the Headteacher to account  for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, ensure clarity, vision, ethos and strategic direction in addition to overseeing the financial performance of the school, ensuring that money is well spent.

As os Autumn 2022the Governing Body is made up of the following members:




Rev. Janet Pitman - Ex-Officio (Vice Chair of Governors)

Mrs Victoria Whittaker - Parent

Mrs Laura Finch - Foundation PCC

Ms Stephanie Monteiro - Local authority (Chair of Governors)

Miss Ruth Thompson - Staff

Mr Gareth Fitton - Foundation PCC

Mrs Diane Newton - Foundation PC (Vice Chair of Governors)

Mrs Jatherine Bollard-Wilkes - Parent

Rev Neil McClure - Foundation PCC 

Foundation PCC-Vacant

Diocese Representative -Vacant



Mrs Rebecca Williams - Headteacher













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