About Us
‘Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another’
Through the love of learning, love of life and love of God we aspire to enable our community to grow as children of God, living life in all its fulness.
At St. Thomas' we cater for children aged from four to eleven. We have an intake of 21 per year. Our children are divided into five, mixed aged classes which are all managed by experienced and professional staff. Along side the class teacher, each class is supported by teaching assistants working to support the children with their education.
The school day runs from 8.45am until 3.15pm. Registration closes at 8.55am. The total number of hours provided in a typical teaching week is 32.5.
Our current classes
Amethyst Class
Miss Wardle (Class Teacher)
Miss Thompson (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Santos (Learning Support Assistant)
Mrs Heywood (Learning Support Assistant)
Mrs Ali (Learning Support Assistant)
Ruby Class
Year 1/Year 2
Mrs Stewardson (class teacher)
Mr McCabe (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Hilton (Learning Support Assistant)
Opal Class
Year 3
Miss Hobbs (Class Teacher and Assistant Headteacher)
Mr McCabe (Teaching Assistant)
Emerald Class
Year 4/Year 5
Mr Northcott (Class Teacher)
Mrs Robinson (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Thompson (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs O'Toole (Learning Support Assistant)
Mrs Thewlis (Learning Support Assistant)
Sapphire Class
year 5/year 6
Miss Lockley (Class Teacher)
Mrs McCabe (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Ali (Learning Support Assistants)
Lunchtime Staff
Mrs Mitchell
Miss Smout
PPA Cover
Mrs Robinson
Forest School
Mrs O'Toole
Mrs McCabe
ELSA (emotional learning support assistant)
Mrs McCabe
Miss Thompson
Music is very important to us at St Thomas'. In addition to our music curriculum, we offer instrument tuition to all our children from year 2 upwards. Currently, children have the opportunity to learn to play violin, ukulele, cello, keyboard, flute, clarinet, guitar, cornet, tenor horn, trombone, saxophone and tuba. These lessons carry a small charge to parents.
However, all children when they reach Emerald and Sapphire classes, learn to play a musical instrument through our whole class instrument lessons programme, which is delivered by specialist music teachers.
All children get the opportunity to perform in school concerts, with many performing in the annual music festival. In addition, our successful choir perform in the Young Voices concert at the AO arena.
Our children enjoy sport and are encouraged to take part in a variety of sporting after school clubs. The Sports Council meet on a half termly basis to decide which sports to offer. The sports on offer include: football, hockey, dodgeball, tennis, rugby, multi-skills, gymnastics, cricket and yoga plus many others. Coaches from YourTrust run all of the sports based after school clubs and manage sporting opportunities at lunchtimes too.
Many of our children represent St Thomas' at various sports competitions including: water polo, swimming, football, cricket and ten pin bowling. Children with additional needs are also encouraged to take part in representing our school. Some competitions are just for children with additional needs.
Forest School
Sometimes we find that our children need a little bit of extra support. We are able to support these children through our therapeutic forest school, run by Mrs O'Toole and Mrs McCabe. Each half term a small group of children can access up to 6 forest school sessions on our school playing field.
My Happy Mind
We are a My Happy Mind school. My Happy Mind is a programme that all of children access on a weekly basis to support their mental health. Children are taught about their brain, how it works and why they may act in the way that they do. Through the My Happy Mind programme, children also learn to celebrate their unique characters and appreciate themselves and others. we also teach them 'happy breathing' a technique that can support them when becoming dysregulated.