Emerald Class 2024 - 2025
Mr Northcott
Emerald Class
Our class is made up of Year 4 and Year 5 students, taught by Mr Northcott.
PE Days
- Mondays (football)
- Tuesdays (dance)
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays. All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed, and long hair should be tied back for PE lessons.
Spellings will be given out on Monday to be learned for the end of the week. Children will learn these spellings in class, but practice at home is essential.
This app help reinforce quick recall of multiplication, and division facts. This is particulary important for Year 4 pupils who will be sitting the multiplication tables check in June. Download the apps and use the login details stuck in your child's reading record.
Reading Books
Children have reading books matched to their ability level. Please ensure your child reads a few times per week at home and make a brief note in their reading record about their progress. Children are also encouraged to read their own books and reading materials at home which they find interesting and engaging.
Some children have Lexia logins (in reading records) for this reading, spelling, and writing intervention program.
Below is a list of the topics currently being taught in Emerald Class this term:
Maths - Multiplication and division; and decimals
English - Recounts
SPaG - Direct speech, adverbs, alternative verbs, sentence structure, paired adjectives and clauses within sentences
Science - States of Matter
P.E. - Football and Dance
History - Romans
Geography - Maps
French - Little Red Riding Hood
R.E. - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
We look forward to an exciting year of learning and growth! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Files to Download
Emerald Class: News items
Newsletter - 21.03.2025, by Mrs Whittles
Newsletter 14.03.25, by Mrs Williams
Newsletter -31.01.2025, by Mrs Whittles