Opal Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Hobbs
Class 3 teacher/SENCO
Welcome to Opal Class.
Where you will find a mixture of year 3 and year 2 children, Miss Hobbs, (Assistant Headteacher, SENCo and class teacher) teaching assistants Mrs O'Toole and Mrs Thewlis, Mrs McCabe (for interventions) and Mrs Robinson and Mrs Williams (on Thursdays).
Important information:
- PE - Tuesday (indoor lesson) and Thursday afternoons (outdoor lesson): Please come dressed in your PE kit on these days and ensure earrings are removed before PE lessons, and that long hair is tied back.
Spellings will be learnt in school, but must be practised at home too. Your child will receive an overview of the weekly spellings at the beginning of each term.
Timestable Rockstars/Numbots:
Download the apps to practise quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication and division facts (against the clock if you choose). The login for both apps is the same and can be found stuck in their reading record.
Reading books:
Your child has a reading book that is linked to a colour band. This is matched to the ability of your child's reading ability and comprehension too. Please read for a few times a week and discuss, and also write a brief note in their reading record, for example' He/she read well and used his/her phonics well to read some long, tricky words. They may bring their book back into school and change when completed.
Some children also have login details (in their reading records) for Lexia. This is an intervention to support children's reading, spelling and writing.
Purple Mash:
All children in school have login details for Purple Mash. This is a digital vault of resources, games, tools and activities that is used mainly in our computing lessons. At times your child will be set a '2do' as part of their computing work. This can be completed on here. It also has a wealth of resources to support many things, including typing skills, maths, art and topic work.
See below for an overview of what will be taught in each subject over the next school year in Opal class.
Files to Download
Opal Class: News items
Newsletter - 21.03.2025, by Mrs Whittles
Newsletter 14.03.25, by Mrs Williams
Newsletter -31.01.2025, by Mrs Whittles